(021) 234 0220

Join Eco-Building Designer from Australia Sharon Quigley of Eco-Living School, for this ground-breaking 2-day Workshop based on the work of Eco-Architect Peter Cowman, director of the Living Architecture Centre, who will give an inspirational and thought-provoking presentation on Day 2 on “Invisible Architecture”.

You will be taken away into a world of child-like wonder and excitement as Sharon leads you through the design and construction techniques required for the creation of affordable, healthy and life enhancing natural buildings suited to their personal needs.

This modern evolution of the 10,000 year old vernacular tradition will focus on the creation of buildings suited to garden or forest settings that can be constructed without planning permission.

The workshop will be ‘hands on’ including the opportunity to gain construction experience.

Cost: €160 for 2-days. Limited accomodation and campervan parking available.

For more information, as well as about the amzing work of the Eco-Architect Peter Cowman see his website –